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During our appointment, we will take a deep dive into your medical history, explore your health goals, and make a plan to reach them, together.
Appointments are 60 minutes long.
This program is perfect for when you’re ready to feel better, long term.
We will work intensively each week to design a lifestyle that will allow you to not only
achieve your nutrition goals but maintain them.
Includes an initial assessment, weekly follow-up sessions, and frequent check-ins.
Did you know that your genes can guide what meal plan will help you to feel your best?
This wellness program comes with all of the goodness of the 3-Month Program with the addition of genetic testing. The testing results empower us to make your nutrition plan even more finely tuned, based on how your body responds to different foods.
Our follow up appointments are our opportunity to fine tune your plan based on what is working and what needs to change. We will discuss what has happened since your last appointment and recommit to your long-term wellness goals.
Appointments are 45 minutes long. How often we meet will depend on your preferences and insurance coverage.
Do you live in Jacksonville? If so, we can meet at your favorite grocery store for a personalized wellness tour. I’ll teach you how to read nutrition labels and pick the best foods to fuel your wellness goals, all within your budget.
Did you know that different versions of a gene can make us respond differently to certain components in food such as lactose in milk, gluten in bread, or caffeine in coffee?
Following a personalized dietary plan that matches your DNA will help you look, feel and perform your best so you can eat smarter, feel stronger and unleash your genetic potential.
For this service, you’ll receive an initial appointment, the Nutrigenomix Genetic Testing, and a follow-up appointment to thoroughly review your results.
With Nutrigenomix testing, we can develop a personalized nutrition plan to eat according to your genes.